Sunday, December 23, 2012

8 Month Update

Stats: NA

Food: Love to feed yourself and are constantly eyeing Mom and Dad's food! If only you had more teeth for chewing :) Your favorites are still fruit especially pears and bananas.

Illness: Had your first double ear infection :( You spiked a temperature of 102.8! Momma took you to see Nurse MaryAnn and got you on an antibiotic which you hated to take. Luckily within a few days you were back to your happy smiley self!

Tooth: Got your third tooth and more are on the way!

Had your first Thanksgiving - you ate sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes with gravy, and turkey.

New Places:
Met Santa at Bronner's- you loved playing with Santa's snow white beard and smiled when he let you play with his jingle bells
Night Lights at Jackson County Fairgrounds - your eyes lit up as bright as the lights driving thru the light display

Starting crawling up the stairs
Pull youself onto anthing and "walk" around
Started learning sign language

Friday, November 2, 2012

Harper 7 Month Update

Height/Weight: NA - next checkup is at 9 months

Food: Loves to eat and is really starting to enjoy feeding herself small finger foods! This month she even had her first pumpkin donut and LOVED it!

Sleep: Doing much better with napping during the day. Right now she is taking 2-3 naps during the day. Bedtime is still about 9:30pm.


- Crawling!!!! - this is a very new development. I had bet she was going to crawl this month and I was getting a little nervous that I was going to lose, but she figured things out and now is cruising around like crazy. A weekend of baby-proofing is in our very near furture :)

- Standing- Harper is pulling herself up on anything and everything!!! We are definately needing to babyproof the house asap! She even had her first "boo-boo" report at daycare this month because of this!

- Babbling- talk, talk, talk! Favorite things to say are "da-da", "ba-ba", "ga-ga". We haven't gotten you to say "ma-ma" yet, but I try everyday. Each time I think she is close to saying mama, she says "da-da-da"....not cool!

  Places: October weather hasn't been nice so far. We have had alot of rainy, cold weekends. But we did manage to make a trip to Indian Brook Farms to see the sights, get pumpkins, and eat some delicious donuts!

What's Next: teething, hopefully crawling and First Halloween fun!

Monday, October 1, 2012

6 Month Update

Stats: Weight 17 lbs 13oz ( 72% ) and Height 28 1/2 inches. ( 99% - She grew 2 inches in 2 months!!!!)

Food: Still breastfeeding and getting bottles every 2 1/2 - 3 hours. New solids are: bananas, peaches, prunes, pears, sweet potatoes, and peas!!!  You love fruit and sweet potatoes, and you would perfectly happy if you never ate green beans or peas ever again!

- You got your first 2 teeth this month and you love chewing on everything!

- Sit up by yourself

- Crawling???? - not quite, but Daddy and Momma have a bet on when you will.
Other Highlights:

- Wearing 6-9 months clothes and size 3 diapers

- Loves all music and to make faces in the mirror

Monday, August 20, 2012

5 Month Update

Stats: Weight 16.0 lbs and Height 26 1/2 inches. (these are really her 4 month stats that I forgot to post)

New Places:  Jackson County Fair, Relay for Life, South Haven.

First Illness: Momma is very sad to report that you had Hand-Foot-and Mouth Virus :( Thank God you had a very mild case only a few small sores in your mouth. You never got the high fever and rash that is typically seen with this virus and you recovered very quickly!!!!

Food: Still breastfeeding and getting bottles every 2- 2 1/2 hours. We have started solids!!! So far Harper has tried: rice cereal, carrots, and green beans.

Sleep: Napping every 2-3 hours for 30-45 minutes at a time. You wake up every morning around 7am like clockwork (no need for an alarm clock!) and go to bed at 9pm. Unfortunately for momma and daddy you aren't sleeping through the night anymore. You will typically wake up around 2-3am for a quick snuggle and then  its back to sleepy town for our little one.

       - Sitting Up: You are soooo close to being able to sit up on your own. I think by the end of this month you will have this mastered.
       - Rolling Over: we may have a future tumbler on our hands!
       - "Inchworm": not exactly crawling, but every time your on your belly you scootch your little but underneath you then will pull yourself forward with your arms. You haven't quite figured out how to get your legs and arms working together yet!
       - You started blowing raspberries all the time!
I am amazed everyday how much better you have made our lives! I can't believe all the changes we have seen in you in just 5 short wonderful months. You light up my day with your beautiful smile and my heart with your laughter. We love you more than anything Honey Bee!!!

Mom & Dad

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Weekend of Fun

Last weekend was a weekend full of first for Harper. We started off the with Harper making her first appearance at Relay of Life! This was a very exciting day for our family. With Evan being a cancer survivor himself, him being able to walk this years Survivor Lap with his daughter in his arms was something we have been dreaming of for a very long time. We didn't stay long as we normally do. Mainly because of the extreme heat, but it was still fun to finally participate in Relay with our little family. We even got our very first family picture at Relay with Harper smiling!!!
On Sunday we ventured out once again to enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells of the Jackson County Fair. For those of you who don't know, it is a best kept secret to go to the fair on opening day Sunday. All the animals are already in the barns, the Midway rides and games aren't running yet, and most vendors have discounts on food!! Harper was less than amused with the fair. We kept trying to get her to be interested in the cows and horses, but she was more interested in staring at the dirt floor and watching the 4-H banners sway in the breeze! My favorite part was the birthing barn where we saw baby sheep only 1 1/2 hours old and I'm pretty sure Ev's favorite part was his bacon covered corn dog!

Harper did amazing with her first real outing, which was a huge confidence booster for me. I know alot of my hesitation to take her out and about is due to my own nerves. I just don't want to be that "that parent" with the screaming baby. However, Harper always rises to the occasion and never has a meltdown. So be sure to watch out for us about town as we slowly start leaving our bubble more and more and start exploring again!

Monday, July 16, 2012

4 Month Update

Don't you just love those baby blues!!

Nicknames: Harps, Harps-a-Daisy, Honeybee, Squish

You put EVERYTHING in your mouth! From your hands, to Penny, even Mom and Dad's fingers!

Started rolling over from your back to your belly (although you are very sneaky about it, we typically find you in your crib in the morning flipped over. Mom and Dad have yet to witness this in the act)

Laughs! Best sound in the world

Loves to "sing" with Daddy. I'm hoping to get a video of this very soon.

This month you also started sleeping at night without being swaddled. Mom and Dad were concerned if you would keep sleeping through the night without being all bundled up, but you found a way to soothe yourself at night. We officially have a thumb sucker!!!

You also had your first pool day at Baci and Papa's house this month. You were a little concerned at first and would cry whenever Daddy wasn't holding you tight!

Stay tuned! This little girl keeps growing and changing our lives for the better everyday!!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

3 Month Update

Can you believe how big our little wee one is getting?!? Heres whats Happening with Harper!!!

- Sleeps thru the night!!! Bedtime is 9pm and she will sleep until 6:30 or 7am! Woohoo!!!!

- Wears 6 months clothes and size 2 diapers

- Takes a good 2 hour nap in the am and catnaps throughout the afternoon

- Eats about every 2 1/2 to 3 hours

- Has been very grabby lately, loves to grab her toes and rock back and forth on her back

- Starting to roll over from tummy to back (although if she doesn't get it with the first couple tries she gets pissed!!! Such a little overachiever!!!)

- Loves to sit up, whether its in your arms or sitting in her bebe pod.

- She LOVES to be outside!

- "Talks" to her daddy every evening about her day!

- Having more "good days" at daycare! Thank goodness!!!
 I am also so thankful that Harper seems to be adjusting better at daycare. Her first couple of weeks were pretty rough for both of us. I think after being with just her momma for the first 10 weeks, we had a little bit of separation anxiety. But her caregivers absolutely love her, so that helps. Also, her 3 cousins also go to the same center and get the chance to peek in on her from time to time!

These past 3 months have flown by!!! And I find myself already missing parts of her baby phase that I complained about during the first few weeks. They change soooo fast and I don't want to take a single moment of it for granted. We love you little wee one!!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

First Mother's Day and Back to Work

This mothers day was by far the best mothers day ever (mainly because I was able to officially celebrate this holiday myself)! My husband and daughter made this day especially memorable. Evan had made a special mothers day card with pictures of Harper on it for me and these two also surprised me with a pandora charm for my bracelet and a necklace of Harper's birthstone! We spent the rest of the day with our families and enjoying our time home with our baby girl before my offiicial start back to work that following Monday!

We are slowly falling into a routine again since my returning back to work 2 weeks ago (part of the reason of the lack of posts lately!). It has definitely helped that Harper has decided to start sleeping through the night! Thank you baby girl! My first day back to work was.....okay. I missed Harper like crazy and it was weird returning to work on day shift. My coworkers were very supportive and understanding though, which made a huge difference. The nice part after working my first 12 hour shift in over 3 months was I got the next 2 days off to snuggle with my wee one. On my 2nd day back to work I was able to go home 4 hours early and my 3rd day I was cancelled altogether!!! I know it won't be like that every week, but it was a nice way to ease back into things!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Challenge Accepted!

After having Harper I was feeling really crummy about my weight. I mean during my pregnancy I gained...over 50 pounds!!!! I know I have just had a baby and should give myself some credit but I had been unhappy with my weight before getting pregnant and post baby was not much better. I knew I had to do something, but it was hard to find the time and energy to workout to my Jillian  Michael's dvd let alone find the time to take a shower some days!!!  Evan tries to be supportive, but he is a bit of a health nut. I mean his idea of "comfort food" is soup and salad, where mine is anything covered in chocolate!!!
I knew losing this babyweight was going to be a challenge for me.Then I heard about this new product called Visalus! After going to a recent party to sample the shakes I have decided to accept the Visalus 90 Day Challenge!!! Your probably asking yourself what is Visalus??? Well it's a meal replacement program that is not only great for you but it even tastes great too!You can choose to drink 1-2 shakes a day depending on what your own personal health goals are. I have one shake a day for breakfast. I love how healthy this shake is for me. It is chock full of fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals. The added bonus is this company did research on the benefits of Visalus with breastfeeding. So I know its safe to take while I'm still nursing.

So far I am on day 5 of my 90 day challenge  and I haven't  had the same shake yet! When you open a bag of this stuff, it smells just like cake batter! My favorite is when I have mixed the sweet cream shake mix with frozen berries! I actually look forward each morning to having my shake! I am so excited about this product, I am having a Challenge Party this Saturday at 3pm at my house so my friends and family can come and taste Visalus for themselves! I would love to have you come (not only will you get to try Visalus, but you will get to see Harper too and whats not to love about that!!!) If you want to learn more please check out: or message me for directions for Saturday! Hope to see everyone soon!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

2 Month Update

Here's what Happening with Harper!
- Wears size 1 diapers

- Currently wears 3m clothes (although I don't think that is going to last for much longer! this child is growing like a weed!)

- Loves to play on her Fisher Price piano kick and play activity mat

- Cat naps in the morning, takes two 20-45 minutes naps, but will take a nice 1 1/2-2 hour nap in the early afternoon

- Eats about every 2 hours during the day

- Goes to bed between 9:30 - 10pm

- Only wakes up once in the middle of the night for a quick feeding around 4am and then is up again at 7am (she has only graced us with sleeping through the night once so far!)

- Loves to ride in the car preferably the highway, not a fan of city stop and go traffic!

- Loves to "sing" with momma

Harper is growing and changing every day! Its amazing to watch her learn the world around her. I am looking forward to see what new milestones next month will bring for our baby girl.......stay tuned!!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Daddy's Girl

Already at just shy of 2 months old, Harper is already a true daddy's girl! It's adorable to watch their interactions with each other. When Evan gets home from work for the day and Harper hears his voice, she will immediately start craning her neck to find him. Then once she locks her eyes on him she will follow him wherever he goes! If he goes upstairs and goes into a room where she can't see him, she will start to whimper and get this look on her face like "what the hell?".

Evan can also always soothe her! Once settled in her daddy's big strong arms she can sleep for hours. She will just stare into Ev's eyes and make this cute little baby sigh. And I know shes thinking "daddy I love you"!!!!

I love to watch these two loves of my life together!!! But I know in a few years this daddy's little girl thing is going to be a tad bit annoying. Like the times I tell her no and she bats her baby blues at her daddy and gets her way! But for now I am going to enjoy the fact that she is wrapped around her daddy's finger, because I know all too fast he will be wrapped around hers!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Diaper Notes

At my baby shower my family had in February one of the activities we had our guests do was write words of wisdom or encouragement on diapers. Well we finally got around to using those diapers and it was fun after changing the umpteenth diaper to have a fun message to look forward to reading! Here were some of my favorites: " Handle with Care"...."Beware of Shooting Poo"...."The diapers years will truly go by fast"....."What a miracle!"...."Enjoy every minute".... There was also a very special drawing of a smiley face on one with the words "poo explosion"!! We have only had one diaper change which resulted in a bath (more on that story later!). I think that's a pretty decent track record for 6 weeks!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

6 Weeks

Parenting is so much harder than I ever thought it would be. Don't get me wrong I LOVE my daughter and I love my new job as mommy. But this is by far the hardest thing I have ever done. No one tells you about how you will constantly second guess yourself, how incompetent you will feel when you have done everything to comfort her and she still cries, or how exhausted you will feel all the time and all those people who told you to sleep now when you were pregnant you want to beat with a large stick! That being said we survived the first 6 weeks!!! Although the midnight feedings are still hard and we are not on a schedule (besides hers!) I wouldn't trade my time home with her for anything!

Harper is doing amazing! This week she started smiling, her smile lights up her whole face. When she smiles at you, you can't help but smile yourself! Its the best feeling in the world!!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Happy Easter from the Stuart Family!!!!!

He is Risen!

1 Month

Harper is one month old already! How did that happen so fast! It seems like yesterday, Ev and I brought her home barely fitting into her newborn outfit and now she is already wearing 0-3 month clothes!!! She is changing every day and we are loving to get to know our little girl. Here are some of the highlights from the past month!

- Loves to be held by anyone who is willing to walk and sway with her for as long as possible.

- Eats every 2-3 hours during the day and sleeps for 4 hour stretches at night!

- Loves bath time (especially when her daddy sings to her her tubby-time song)

- Snuggling with mommy after feedings is one our our favorite times together!

- Loves to dance with her daddy while he sings her silly songs

- Likes to listen to music

I can't believe how much our little wee one has changed since the time we brought her home!

Although I don't want to wish away this precious time with our baby girl, I am excited to see what the future holds for her.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

2 Weeks Old

Wednesday our lil peanut turned 2 Weeks Old!

Highlights from this past week include:

- Sunday: We had our first family get together at my mom's house. We had a lot to celebrate in our family. My grandfather turned 77 years old, my sister Katie got engaged, and Harper joined our family!!!

Grandpa 77 years old & Harper 11 days old!

- Tuesday: We went back to Dr. Tim's office for a weight check, to make sure Harper had regained her birth weight. Our little girl weighed 7lb 14 oz!!!! She gained 13 ounces in one week!!! Grow, baby grow!!!

- Wednesday: Harper got her first night time bottle from Daddy. It was so sweet and amazing to watch Ev develop that bond with our little girl. I love them both so much!!!

- Thursday: Ev went back to work after 2 weeks home with his girls :( It was hard for all of us to have him leave, but baby girl and I survived on our own!

Stay tuned for more news from the exciting Stuart family!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

1 Week Old

Yesterday our baby girl turned 1 Week Old!!! I can't believe this angel has already been with us one whole week! We have definitely enjoyed our time home together cuddling and getting to know each other.

Also, this week Harper had her first Dr's appointment with Dr. Tim. He said she was perfect (which we already knew). At her appointment on Tuesday she weighed 7lb 1 oz!!! We are going back to the doctor next week just for a weight check to make she is at or above her birth weight! And with the way this girl has been eating we have no doubts she will pack on the pounds!!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Harper's Arrival

Wednesday morning started off like any other morning. Ev and I were both up early, me with contractions and him for work. Ev was going into work early in hopes of being able to come to my OB appointment that was rescheduled at the last minute due to the doctor being out for a delivery. I was hoping that his work would allow him to leave to come, but we weren't sure.

Evan was able to meet me at the doctors appt at 8:30am. The appointment was pretty average. We were measured, weighed, and were able to hear her heartbeat. Dr. Vendola came in and checked me and much to our surprise told us we were already 3cm dilated and he wanted to see us back at the hospital later that afternoon. He said he had a hunch I might be going into labor. His advice was for me to go walk around for a few hours and then we would check to see if I was making any changes. He said I could go into labor in the next 5 hours or 5 days!

Well, his first prediction was pretty accurate. I left the appointment and did some shopping at Target and Kohls. I started to notice during my shopping excursion that my contractions were a little bit stronger and they seemed closer together but I wasn't really paying attention (I had shopping to do), so it was hard to say! After coming home, I realized something was different. I was definately having regular contractions! By this time it was 11am, I was debating calling Ev and telling him we needed to go to the hospital early, but I also knew we were planning on meeting at the hospital at noon. So I decided just to wait it out.

Ev and I arrived to the labor and delivery unit around 12:15 and were quickly hooked up to monitors and were checked to see how things were progressing. We were admitted less than 45 minutes later. We were both shocked to learn I was having regular contractions every 5 minutes apart was was now dilated to 4cm! I asked the nurse if she thought we were really going to have the baby today and she said she would be surprised if we delivered after midnight!

At the hospital in labor and still smiling......for now!

The next couple of hours went by pretty quickly. We walked the halls and watched tv, Ev noticed that I was no longer talking during my contractions and they were much closer together. Both my nurse and Evan recommended I take a shot of pain meds to help me get through the contractions. So at 5pm I took them up on their offer and it helped, but not enough. We tried to let the medication work, but I told my nurse I wanted something else. I was discouraged to learn I couldn't get another shot of Demerol until 8pm (not for another 2 hours!), she recommended trying to give the Demerol some more time and then to try the whirlpool tub. If that didn't work we would talk about an epidural.

The birthing tub was horrible! I was in so much pain! After less than 10 minutes I told Ev he had to get me out of this thing and NOW! As soon as I stood to get back to bed I knew something was different. I was shaky, nauseasated, and in severe pain! Ev quickly got me back into my hospital gown and back to bed. He called the nurse and in a very nervous voice told the nurse, "we need help in here!" Our nurse arrived and I told her I wanted the epidural! Well, that didn't happen......I was already 9.5cm dilated and was told this baby was coming now and I would have to deliver her without any pain meds!!!! Dr. Vendola was brought in and at 7:50pm he broke my water.

Evan was amazing during my labor! I could not have done it without him! He coached me through every contractions and helped me relax in between. After pushing for nearly an hour, the nurses and Evan both assured me she was almost there. During my last contraction, it was Evan who actually encouraged me to get in one more good push. All I wanted to do was sleep, but I listened to him. I sat back up and pushed! I could tell this one was the one and opened my eyes just in time to see Harper arrive into the world!

She was gorgeous! She arrived at 8:53 pm on 3/7/2012. She weighed 7lb 3oz and was 20 3/4 inches long. Evan cut the cord and the nurses took her to check her out. Unfortunately, our little girl required some oxygen shortly after delivery. They were unsuccessful at weaning her and were concerned at how fast she was breathing and the possible risk of her having aspirated some amniotic fluid during birth. Although both her Apgar scores were 8 (she was only marked down for her color), the doctors still decided to admit her to the NICU for observation. We were hoping she would be there for less than an hour, but her chest xray showed heavy streaking and was very cloudly! She was then admitted to the NICU and was put on antibiotics for the next 48 hours. Evan and I were finally able to see and hold our baby 10:30pm. She was so tiny and seeing her hooked up to so many lines and monitors broke my heart. I was thankful the nursing staff seemed to think she was doing so well, they even had her down to room air by midnight and were getting ready to hook her up to her first tube feeding.

Ev and I left to get some much needed rest and food shortly after midnight. We were very surprised when a nurse came into our room 2 hours later asking if I wanted to go down to the NICU to breastfeed. Of course we said yes, and were thrilled to learn when we got there Harper was off oxygen and her feeding tube was already gone! I nursed my little girl for the first and fell in love with her all over again. Seeing Evan rock her was amazing. I couldn't believe how much love I had for both of them! We sat in the nursery for awhile just holding and staring at our beautiful little girl. We were over the moon to learn the doctor was releasing her from the NICU at 3am, although she would have to go back every 8 hours for antibiotics we were allowed to keep her in our room!

The next 3 days were filled with family and friends meeting Harper for the first time! We are so thankful for everyones love and prayers. Our little girl is now home and doing amazing! We are so blessed to be a family of three and we could not be more in love with her!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Maternity Update

Well no baby yet!!! Although I do hope and pray our lil princess plans on making her arrival soon.....very soon! I feel bad even calling people to catch up, knowing that they think any call from Ev or myself is "THE CALL"!

I have been officially placed on maternity leave for the past 2 weeks. My doctor mainly did this early to avoid any possible problems. He was concerned about my increased blood pressure and the stress/length of shifts at work and decided to take me off earlier vs. later to avoid any complications....not that I put up much of a fight or anything!

Since I've been home...I've cleaned...I've cooked...I've shopped (sorry budget!)...and now I'm ready! Technically I still have 8 days till my due date, but who wants to wait till their due date to have a baby! I have already been praying for this child for years and then I have to wait another 9 months of pregnancy and 8 days just seems like FOREVER!!!! I'm really not trying to complain or anything. So far my pregancy has been a breeze! But I'm ready for the pregnant part to be over and to actually hold my baby girl in my arms!

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers! Ev and I could both use prayers of patience and for a safe and quick delivery!!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Nursery

Creating our baby's nursery was definitely a labor of love. More labor on Ev's part than on mine! I thought and second guessed every decision I made. From the bedding, to the furniture, to the wall color! Poor Ev silently suffered through all of it and constantly reassured me, that in the end it would be perfect!

The whole process started once we knew we were having a baby girl. Although we knew the gender of our lil one I was opposed to going the traditional route of having a girly cupcakey pink nursery. So I started my internet search for the perfect non-pink baby bedding. This turned out to be a much harder task than I thought it would be. Finally I found this amazing yellow/gray bedding at Target and even better Evan loved it too!

Furniture was the easy part. Evan and I picked out a crib and dresser from the Toy House in Jackson. We are both so thankful to our moms and Ev's grandmommy who graciously chipped in for these large purchases! We had the Toy House deliver the furniture once the room was painted and then Ev had the fatherly duty of assembling the crib! It was so much fun watching this room slowly come together. Evan was pretty adamant that as the daddy-to-be, he wanted to paint and put together the room himself. He did such a good job and I am so proud to have such a hard-working and caring husband!!!

To complete the room I found some artwork from a shop on Etsy and Evan refinished a mirror we found at TJ Maxx. I love how this room came together. It is by far my favorite room in the house and it will be even better once our baby girl is here too! Thank you to everyone who helped create our special nursery! Enjoy!!!