Stats: Weight 17 lbs 13oz ( 72% ) and Height 28 1/2 inches. ( 99% - She grew 2 inches in 2 months!!!!)
Food: Still breastfeeding and getting bottles every 2 1/2 - 3 hours. New solids are: bananas, peaches, prunes, pears, sweet potatoes, and peas!!! You love fruit and sweet potatoes, and you would perfectly happy if you never ate green beans or peas ever again!
- You got your first 2 teeth this month and you love chewing on everything!- Sit up by yourself
- Crawling???? - not quite, but Daddy and Momma have a bet on when you will.
Other Highlights:
- Wearing 6-9 months clothes and size 3 diapers
- Loves all music and to make faces in the mirror
Love the video...priceless!