Tuesday, June 12, 2012

3 Month Update

Can you believe how big our little wee one is getting?!? Heres whats Happening with Harper!!!

- Sleeps thru the night!!! Bedtime is 9pm and she will sleep until 6:30 or 7am! Woohoo!!!!

- Wears 6 months clothes and size 2 diapers

- Takes a good 2 hour nap in the am and catnaps throughout the afternoon

- Eats about every 2 1/2 to 3 hours

- Has been very grabby lately, loves to grab her toes and rock back and forth on her back

- Starting to roll over from tummy to back (although if she doesn't get it with the first couple tries she gets pissed!!! Such a little overachiever!!!)

- Loves to sit up, whether its in your arms or sitting in her bebe pod.

- She LOVES to be outside!

- "Talks" to her daddy every evening about her day!

- Having more "good days" at daycare! Thank goodness!!!
 I am also so thankful that Harper seems to be adjusting better at daycare. Her first couple of weeks were pretty rough for both of us. I think after being with just her momma for the first 10 weeks, we had a little bit of separation anxiety. But her caregivers absolutely love her, so that helps. Also, her 3 cousins also go to the same center and get the chance to peek in on her from time to time!

These past 3 months have flown by!!! And I find myself already missing parts of her baby phase that I complained about during the first few weeks. They change soooo fast and I don't want to take a single moment of it for granted. We love you little wee one!!!

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