Tuesday, July 19, 2011

the First Ultrasound

7/18/ 2011

We got to see our baby today! It was an amazing experience that I can not put into words. Let me start by saying that I was a nervous wreck this morning. I had no real reason to feel anxious. This was a new experience of us and had no idea what to expect. I just replaying that old Friends episode in my head, the one where Rachael and Ross go for their first ultrasound and Rachael cries the whole time because she can's see it!

As we arrived at the doctor's office and got situated in the ultrasound sound room, I asked the tech what did they hope to see today. She was hopefull that depending how things were going we would definately take some baby measurements and maybe even hear a heartbeat!!! When the test got under way, I was shocked at how clear and easily we were able to see everything. There on the screen was our baby! We could even see the tiny heart beating away! I was overwhelmed with emotion! I expected myself to cry a little, but I was laughing! I couldn't believe how blessed we were with our own little miracle.

The ultrasound went on amazingly. Everything was measuring right on track. We were put at 6weeks and 2days exactly (which is right where we thought we were) with a due date set for March 10th 2o12!!! The heartrate was measured at 116 beats per minute. Ev says the baby looks like a lil jalapeno and is going to be a runner like his daddy!!!

We can not wait to meet our lil sweet pea and are very excited for everything 2012 has in store for our family!!! We can't wait to meet you Baby Stuart, Love Mom & Dad

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