So since I have known my husband he has CONSTANTLY asked me for another dog! I was able to put off the subject by using the excuse that we should wait until we were in a house......but I don't have that excuse anymore.
It seemed like since before we even closed on the house, Evan started asking me about getting a dog. I kept coming up with excuses why not to get a dog such as the shedding, potty - training, and overall I just didn't want one. Eventually he wore me down.
After Ev got the green light he threw himself into the task of finding his perfect dog. He toyed with the idea of puppy vs. older dog and breed. Finally he had it narrowed down to 3 dogs. His top 2 picks were out of town, and there was one locally. He agreed to see the Jackson dog first, but had you asked him he would have told you he didn't think it was going to work out......he was wrong! Ev took one visit and fell in LOVE!!! Over the course of the next couple days he saw this puppy twice a day. On Monday I went to see the dog as well. She was gorgeous. The first day I met her she was very calm and I secretly liked how she followed me around so much and wouldn't even budge when Ev tried to take her outside on the leash!
The big test came on Thursday afternoon. Cascades Humae Society has a policy that if you already have a dog you must do a "Meet 'n Greet" to make sure neither dog is aggressive towards each other. We didn't think Mason would have a problem with this since he's Mason, but we were a little concerned about Sugar (that's what Cascades called her). It didn't go great. All Mason wanted to do was hide and all Sugar did was bark......alot. We took some time to rethink if this was something we really wanted, but in the end it was Sugar that helped us decide to take her home!!!
Sugar, now renamed Saige (mix of Gage and Sarge) is doing great! Ev and her are attached at the hip. Wherever Ev is, Saige is close at his heels. We have only had her for 4 days now and already she knows how to sit and lay on command. Ev is soooo happy he finally has his puppy and I am surprisingly happy too. Mason on the other hand is less than thrilled.